Join Me & Other Green Berets, Navy SEALS, Top Behavioral Scientists, PhDs & Nutritionists To...


Former US Special Forces Green Beret Invites You To...

Kill The Old You In 60 Days!


The next Deliberate Discomfort
Challenge will be coming in January 2025.

The next Deliberate Discomfort Challenge
 will be coming in January 2025!

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Registration will open a few weeks prior - stay tuned! 

Registration will open a few weeks prior-- stay tuned!

Join The Challenge Now For a One-Time Discounted Payment Of Only $297

Hear What Others Are Saying...

This is YOUR life... DO something about it!

It's All
Your Fault...

Do you hear me?
It is all your fault.
Your job... It’s not what you wanted to do with your life.

​You’ve gained weight...

You’re not living the life you dreamed would be yours...

​You’re just going through the motions... 

You’re working a job that feels like a perpetual grind, and you live for the weekends.

​Then the weekend comes... and you spend it scrolling. Streaming. Gaming. Wasting time.

Your kids, your family... they think your face is glued to your cell phone.

You’re not improving yourself. You’re not setting yourself up for the life you actually want.

Jason B. A. Van Camp

Mission Six Zero

You know what you need to do,
you just aren't doing it!
Somewhere inside of us we hear a voice. It leads us in the direction of the person we wish to become. But it is up to us whether or not to follow.
If I were to ask you what needs to change, you would give me an entire list of “I need to…”
  • I need to LOSE WEIGHT...
  • I need to eat healthier...
  • I need to
  • I need to spend more quality time with my spouse... with my kids...
  • I need to start making more money to pay for my kids college...
You want to be better...
You want to be stronger...
You want more out of life... You know you do.

More than 2,000 people have
joined the Challenge since 2021
more than 90% stick with it
to achieve the results.

So, Here Is How The Challenge Works...

The cost to join us in this LIVE GROUP CHALLENGE is $297. This covers everything you need to transform your life in the next 60 days. We'll deliberately push your boundaries in every critical area...

With everything you are getting with the Deliberate Discomfort Challenge, and the daily attention and effort I and my team are putting into this to help you transform your life, we could easily be charging $1,000 or more (and maybe eventually will) but...

All You Pay Is $297

Jason Van Camp

I'm not only the CEO, I'm also a client -  I have taken this challenge four times, and the first time, I lost 36 lbs. Losing the weight was incredible, but the mental clarity, discipline, and determination put me back on track to becoming the person I want to be. I want that for you! Excited to have you join our team! The results are REAL, just listen to the testimonies!

In Exchange For That Small Investment, Here's What You Get:

  • Participation In The 60 Day Challenge With Jason & The Mission Six Zero Team.
This challenge is not something you pay for and do on your own. We're doing this together! We're emotionally engaged, we're giving feedback, we're holding each other accountable. Together we're going to push each other to complete this challenge, improve ourselves in every critical area and accelerate our success for the next decade.
  • ​60 Day PHYSICAL STRENGTH PROGRAM By M60 Badass David Hageman. ($197 Value)
David Hageman is a Ph.D. in Performance Psychology, M.S. from Johns Hopkins University, and a Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach (CSCS) through the NSCA. He is a veteran Strength and Conditioning Coach with strength coaching experience at the United States Olympic Training Center, United States Military Academy at West Point, Mountain Tactical Institute, and various CrossFit affiliates. Dr. Hageman is a former US Army Field Artillery Officer and Special Operations Technical Rescue Captain for the Denver Fire Department. Every day we'll be following a specific workout plan designed by David. This 60-day physical program will focus on balanced fitness, building aerobic stamina, and providing work capacity maintenance. In short, this program is a slow burn that will incrementally challenge you with a balanced structure and approach. The intent is not to destroy you in the gym, but to progressively work toward a goal, build a fitness habit, and grow personal efficacy to prove greatness is accomplished through the mundane of smaller daily tasks.
  • ​60 Days of GUIDED MEDITATION By Navy SEAL Commander Jon Macaskill. ($199 Value)
Jon Macaskill is a U.S. Naval Academy graduate and former Navy SEAL Commander specializing in operations research and mindfulness. He's going to be providing us a guided meditation audio every single day. These mindfulness practices will help increase our ability to regulate emotions, decrease stress, anxiety and depression, and focus our attention. By the way, don't just use these for the 60 days. These will be yours to keep and use after the challenge and we highly recommend you do everyday!
  • ​Full Access To The Deliberate Discomfort MASTER CLASS! ($2,561 Value)
The Deliberate Discomfort Master Class is the same training curriculum NFL teams, Fortune 500 companies, CEOs and High Net Worth individuals have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for. It's full of 66 different videos that we will be going through together during the challenge. Not only do we want you to succeed immediately, we want you to succeed next year and the year after that. To that end, our military elite, PhDs, scientists, researchers, and experts have done the digging for you. We have analyzed all the data points, measured everything, and provide digestible and actionable steps you can take, to implement the battle proven mindsets, strategies, tools and mechanisms that will help you to be a Total Warrior. Not only will we be going through the Master Class together as part of the challenge but you will also get full lifetime access.
    Daily Check-Ins With Jason Van Camp
    ($197 Value)
The missing key to most challenges and self improvement programs is Accountability. Needing accountability doesn't mean you are weak, it means you are serious about your goals. Accountability makes you get up, show up and get things done. I am personally going to be holding you accountable. My team is going to send you daily messages through emails, and our private Deliberate Discomfort Challenge Facebook group. Not only have I gone through this challenge, but the Mission Six Zero team has as well. We know how hard it is and we understand what you are going through.
 ​When I say this challenge is designed to transform you, I don't say that lightly. This WILL help you make big changes in your life but only if you take it seriously and be honest with me and honest with yourself.
  • Access - Members Only Facebook Group ($97 Value)
Inside the group you, me, everyone else in the cohort and the entire Mission Six Zero Team, will be sharing experiences, challenges, encouragement and feedback to help each other along the way.
  • Mission Six Zero Recommended Book List
For the challenge we are going to be reading a book a week. We'll all start by reading the same book, Deliberate Discomfort. After that you can choose any book you'd like. Not sure what you should be reading? We'll provide a list of books our elite team recommends!
  • BONUS: Deliberate Discomfort Audiobook ($25 Value)
  • BONUS: Deliberate Discomfort eBook ($17 Value)
No matter what you want to tell yourself is the reason... 
bad timing, covid, responsibilities, politics, whatever...the reality is it's all your fault.
Life is, and always will be difficult.
But, adversity is really the best time of your life. Think about it...
Through it, you've faced challenges, you’ve adapted, you've overcome, you've grown exponentially.
You are where you are because of the decisions you made and because of the risks you didn’t take. Most of all though, you’re where you are because of fear.
You’re afraid of the unknown. 

You’re afraid to fail. 

You’re afraid you can’t get a better job. 

You’re afraid you can’t lose the weight. 

You’re afraid that if you try - if you really commit - your best won’t be good enough.
It’s easier to live in the middle. 
The middle is easy. It’s easy to think other people have it worse, that your life isn’t that bad, that your relationships are pretty good, that your health won’t be a problem until later.. BUT, everything could be better, if you had more time, more money, maybe a little help. It could all be better except for some mythical force just outside of your control.
I get it. 

Especially if you have responsibilities. Especially if you have kids, or other people counting on you, I get it...
..There’s no judgment here.
BUT, I do know this. 
That time, that money, that extra help…’s not coming. 

No one is handing out time, money and help. You have to earn it. Earn it for yourself. 

And the only way to earn it, is to break through discomfort and fear.
Embrace your discomfort. 

Take that leap of faith. 
Travel the world. 
Send a risky text. 
Swim naked. 
Fight a shark. 
Stab a stranger. 
Steal a car- flee to Mexico.  Live a little…
Only  kidding.
I’ve been afraid to step out of my comfort zone many times. 
I didn’t know if I could graduate from West Point, the U.S. Army Ranger School, or Special Forces Selection. 

I knew they would be hard. 
I knew I would be miserable.
I heard all the stories. 

But the idea of dealing with something hard wasn’t holding me back. 

It was my own doubt.
Would I be good enough?
I was afraid I wasn’t.
Living in fear leads to living with regret. Living with fear removes control from our lives. It makes us feel like we’re floating. Like we’re just marking time until the next rest. Until the next vacation. Until retirement. Until death.
Life isn’t meant to be spent just marking time. 

It is meant to be lived. 

We’re the only creature on Earth that has the ability to dream - to imagine something for ourselves and the world that doesn’t currently exist, and to chase that dream.
We owe it to ourselves to experience those dreams, to make them happen.
Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will.
And I don’t want your dreams to die. 

I don’t want that for myself. I don’t want that for anyone.
And that’s why I am introducing you to my new Deliberate Discomfort Challenge.
The Deliberate Discomfort Challenge does exactly what the title suggests: 

It deliberately pushes your boundaries in every critical area - Mental, Physical, Spiritual, Social, Emotional, and Professional. 

We will challenge you methodically, over a sixty day period, and we will be there to guide you, because we want you to succeed.
For sixty painstaking days, 
we will challenge you to fulfill goals. 
We will challenge you to eat healthy. 
To work out twice a day. 
To open your mind. 
To meditate. 
To reconnect with lost friends. 
To express gratitude. 
To improve. 

Every.  Single.  Day.
No excuses. 
No failure. 
No mercy.
You are accountable to yourself. 

Nobody is harder on ourselves than ourselves - meaning, you determine your level of difficulty - you can turn the volume up on this challenge.
If you follow through on everything we ask you to do, you will transform in ways you never thought possible. 
  • You’ll be more confident, more at ease, more clear-headed, and more focused. 
  • You will be more fit.
  • You will feel better about yourself when you look in the mirror. 
You will absolutely know that you are making progress in every aspect of your life. 
Completing the course will be an accomplishment that will stay with you and will define your future.
Im not only the CEO, I'm also a client - I took this challenge a few months ago and lost 36 lbs. 

Losing the weight was incredible, but the mental clarity, discipline, and determination put me back on track to becoming the person I want to be.
But the key thing here is that we only ask you to do it. 

You have to decide whether you will.
The world is full of willing people. Some willing to work, the rest willing to let them.
If you miss one single element of one single day’s goals during the sixty days, you fail and start over. 

On Day One.
You then have a choice to start over from the very beginning or you can quit.
That probably sounds harsh right?
It has to be. 

It’s the same model used in the United States Army Ranger School, which incidentally, is just over sixty days. 

It’s the model that is used in many elite military schoolhouses. 

It isn’t that you have to be perfect every day. 

You’ll have days where your workouts suck, where your mind will wander as you read, when your calls to long lost friends are not fruitful. 

But you have to show up.
You cannot quit. 
You cannot shirk responsibility.
Every single day. Every hour. Every minute. Every action is on you...
It is all on you.
The results of your life rest on your shoulders.
It is all your fault.
And that’s AWESOME.
Just about a decade ago, I founded Mission Six Zero to take the skills I learned serving as a Special Forces Officer, and combine them with those of Medal of Honor recipients, Army Rangers, Navy SEALs, and elite behavioral scientists to develop the Total Warrior Model. 

This methodology, which we have used to improve the effectiveness of Fortune 100 companies, NFL Teams, and leaders throughout the world, is now a proven and respected model for improved performance. 

It’s success led to a best-selling book, Deliberate Discomfort, and a Masterclass embraced by high-performance individuals and organizations alike.
But sometimes you need to push yourself in a more primal way. 
Sometimes to really change, you just need something that is hard to accomplish. 

That asks you to dig deeper. 
That asks you to grind it out.
I’m going to tell you something that Ranger School graduates typically don’t tell you: No single day of Ranger School was that hard. 

If a healthy young person randomly walked into any day of Ranger training, they could probably make it. 

But I’ll tell you what: 62 days in a row was not fun. It demands a lot from you. It can feel impossible. Because some days, you just want a break. 

You’re tired of walking. 
Tired of moving. 
Tired of performing. 
Tired of pushing. 

You’re just tired.
And every moment you have a choice. 

You keep moving towards the Ranger Objective... or you don’t.
And if you don’t, it’s over. 

You fail. 

And you get to decide if you want to start over again or quit.
But if you don’t quit- If every day you decide to keep moving forward, you learn something about yourself...
YOU are good enough. 
YOU! ARE! Good enough...
You can do amazing things...
You can achieve more than you ever thought possible. 

You can improve your life along every axis. 

Your body, your mind, your spirit, your relationships, and your work.
But you’ve got to take the leap.
And I want you to take that leap with me.
Let me cut right to it: 
I’m offering the Deliberate Discomfort Challenge 
for only $297 dollars.
Sign up... 

Join your class in your class chatroom... 

Meet your classmates looking to improve their lives, just like you...

If at the end of 60 days, you don’t believe it’s making a massive impact on your life, email me and I'll refund your money.

No questions asked.
But you won’t want to. 

You’ll want to stay. 
You’ll want to finish. 
You’ll want to cheer your classmates on. 
You’ll want to be the person that you’ve always aspired to be just didn’t know how. You’ll want to know you can do something hard. 
You’ll want to know you can deal with discomfort.
And if you make the decision to stay with me through that first week, I have something for you:
Access to the Deliberate Discomfort Masterclass.
The Deliberate Discomfort Master Class is the same training curriculum NFL teams, Fortune 500 companies, CEOs and High Net Worth individuals have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for.
It’s a master course with over 66 different videos full of military elite and world class scientists explaining firsthand how to make your life better and transform yourself into the person you dream of becoming, regardless of your current challenges.
We wanted to create a platform to provide you the opportunity to be right there with us. To hear directly from us, to see our faces, to feel our passion.
And you will get the entire Master Class for free once you commit to the Deliberate Discomfort Challenge.
Why am I doing this?
Because I passionately want you to succeed. 

I want you to have every tool at your disposal to dominate life.
I want to tell you another secret. 
Even though I built the Total Warrior Program, I have slipped from time to time. 
I gained weight during covid. 
I lost my routine. 
I read less. 
I worried more. 

And I knew I had to break that gridlock and refocus.
So I sat down with the team and we developed this challenge. 

And then WE did it. 
And it was hard. 

And there were parts of it that really made me uncomfortable - parts I did not enjoy. 
But man, sixty days later, I was thinner, healthier, with the clearest vision I’ve had in years.
Not because I was motivated. 
Motivation never lasts.
It worked because I was committed. I committed to the program. 

Staying with the program led to a healthy routine. 
A healthy routine led to good habits. 
Good habits led to success.
I didn’t wish myself into success. 
I didn’t magically become healthy again.
I didn’t have surgery. 
I didn’t use chemicals. 
I didn’t become better overnight. 

I reprogrammed myself. 

I reminded my mind and body of what it feels like to be healthy. 

And I’ve had some of the best months of my life as a result.
I want that for you.
This last year has been very hard on so many people. 

But hard times make stronger people. 
Hard times lead to opportunities. 

And this is your opportunity to change your life permanently. 

To turn yourself into a person that can handle any challenge, can obtain any goal, and can feel great while doing it.
So commit RIGHT NOW. 

Sixty days. 
That's it. 

If you don’t love everything that you see from the Deliberate Discomfort Challenge, we’ll go our own separate ways. 

No hard feelings! can learn what every Ranger School student that has earned the glorious moment of having the Ranger tab pinned on their shoulder knows: 
The sweetest reward is setting an enormous goal for yourself and achieving it.
You can achieve it.
I want you to achieve it.
Join me on the Deliberate Discomfort Challenge.
Conquer it.
And start living the life you’ve always wanted.

It's All
Your Fault...

Do you hear me?
It is all your fault.
Your job... It’s not what you wanted to do with your life.

​You’ve gained weight...

You’re not living the life you dreamed would be yours. ..

​You’re just going through the motions... 

You’re working a job that feels like a perpetual grind, and you live for the weekends.

​Then the weekend comes... and you spend it scrolling. Streaming. Gaming. Wasting time.

Your kids, your family... they think your face is glued to your cell phone.

You’re not improving yourself. You’re not setting yourself up for the life you actually want.

Jason B. A. Van Camp

Mission Six Zero

You know what you need to do,
you just aren't doing it!
Somewhere inside of us we hear a voice. It leads us in the direction of the person we wish to become. But it is up to us whether or not to follow.
If I were to ask you what needs to change, you would give me an entire list of “I need to…”
  • I need to LOSE WEIGHT...
  • I need to eat healthier...
  • I need to
  • I need to spend more quality time with my spouse... with my kids...
  • I need to start making more money to pay for my kids college...
You want to be better...
You want to be stronger...
You want more out of life... You know you do.

More than 2,000 people have 
joined the Challenge since 2021 
more than 90% stick with it 
to achieve the results.

So, Here Is How The Challenge Works...

The cost to join us in this GROUP CHALLENGE is $297. This covers everything you need to transform your life in the next 60 days. We'll deliberately push your boundaries in every critical area...

With everything you are getting with the Deliberate Discomfort Challenge, and the daily attention and effort my team and I are putting into this to help you transform your life, we could easily be charging over $1,000 (and maybe eventually will) but...

All You Pay Is $297

Jason Van Camp

I'm not only the CEO, I'm also a client - I have taken this challenge four times, and the first time, I lost 36 lbs. Losing the weight was incredible, but the mental clarity, discipline, and determination put me back on track to becoming the person I want to be. I want that for you! Excited to have you join our team!  The results are REAL, just listen to the testimonies!

In Exchange For That Small Investment, Here's What You Get:

  • Participation In The 60 Day Challenge With The Mission Six Zero Team.
This challenge is not something you pay for and do on your own. We're doing this together! We're emotionally engaged, we're giving feedback, we're holding each other accountable. Together we're going to push each other to complete this challenge, improve ourselves in every critical area and accelerate our success for the next decade.
  • ​60 Day PHYSICAL STRENGTH PROGRAM By M60 Badass David Hageman. ($199 Value)
David Hageman is a Ph.D. in Performance Psychology, M.S. from Johns Hopkins University, and a Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach (CSCS) through the NSCA. He is a veteran Strength and Conditioning Coach with strength coaching experience at the United States Olympic Training Center, United States Military Academy at West Point, Mountain Tactical Institute, and various CrossFit affiliates. Dr. Hageman is a former US Army Field Artillery Officer and Special Operations Technical Rescue Captain for the Denver Fire Department. Every day we'll be following a specific workout plan designed by David. This 60-day physical program will focus on balanced fitness, building aerobic stamina, and providing work capacity maintenance. In short, this program is a slow burn that will incrementally challenge you with a balanced structure and approach. The intent is not to destroy you in the gym, but to progressively work toward a goal, build a fitness habit, and grow personal efficacy to prove greatness is accomplished through the mundane of smaller daily tasks.
  • ​60 Days of GUIDED MEDITATION By Navy SEAL Commander Jon Macaskill. ($199 Value)
Jon Macaskill is a U.S. Naval Academy graduate and former Navy SEAL Commander specializing in operations research and mindfulness. He's going to be providing us a guided meditation audio every single day. These mindfulness practices will help increase our ability to regulate emotions, decrease stress, anxiety and depression, and focus our attention. By the way, don't just use these for the 60 days. These will be yours to keep and use after the challenge and we highly recommend you do everyday!
  • ​Full Access To The Deliberate Discomfort MASTER CLASS! ($2,561 Value)
The Deliberate Discomfort Master Class is the same training curriculum NFL teams, Fortune 500 companies, CEOs and High Net Worth individuals have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for. It's full of 66 different videos that we will be going through together during the challenge. Not only do we want you to succeed immediately, we want you to succeed next year and the year after that. To that end, our military elite, PhDs, scientists, researchers, and experts have done the digging for you. We have analyzed all the data points, measured everything, and provide digestible and actionable steps you can take, to implement the battle proven mindsets, strategies, tools and mechanisms that will help you to be a Total Warrior. Not only will we be going through the Master Class together as part of the challenge but you will also get full lifetime access.
    Daily Check-Ins With Jason Van Camp
The missing key to most challenges and self improvement programs is Accountability. Needing accountability doesn't mean you are weak, it means you are serious about your goals. Accountability makes you get up, show up and get things done. I am personally going to be holding you accountable. My team is going to send you daily messages through emails and our private Deliberate Discomfort Challenge Facebook group. Not only have I gone through this challenge, but the Mission Six Zero team has as well. We know how hard it is and we understand what you are going through.  When I say this challenge is designed to transform you, I don't say that lightly. This WILL help you make big changes in your life but only if you take it seriously and be honest with me and honest with yourself.
  • Mission Six Zero Recommended Book List
For the Challenge we are going to be reading a book a week. We'll all start by reading the same book, Deliberate Discomfort. After that you can choose any book you'd like. Not sure what you should be reading? We'll provide a list of books our elite team recommends!
  • BONUS: Deliberate Discomfort Audiobook ($25 Value)
  • BONUS: Deliberate Discomfort eBook ($17 Value)
No matter what you want to tell yourself is the reason... 
bad timing, covid, responsibilities, politics, whatever...the reality is it's all your fault.
Life is, and always will be, difficult.
But, adversity is really the best time of your life.  Think about it...

Through it, you've faced challenges, you’ve adapted, you've overcome, you've grown exponentially.
You are where you are because of the decisions you made and because of the risks you didn’t take. Most of all though, you’re where you are because of fear.
You’re afraid of the unknown. 

You’re afraid to fail. 

You’re afraid you can’t get a better job. 

You’re afraid you can’t lose the weight. 

You’re afraid that if you try - if you really commit - your best won’t be good enough.
It’s easier to live in the middle. 
The middle is easy. It’s easy to think other people have it worse, that your life isn’t that bad, that your relationships are pretty good, that your health won’t be a problem until later... BUT, everything could be better, if you had more time, more money, maybe a little help. It could all be better except for some mythical force just outside of your control.
I get it. 

Especially if you have responsibilities. Especially if you have kids, or other people counting on you, I get it...
...There’s no judgment here.
BUT, I do know this. 
That time, that money, that extra help…’s not coming. 

No one is handing out time, money and help. You have to earn it. Earn it for yourself. 

And the only way to earn it, is to break through discomfort and fear.
Embrace your discomfort. 

Take that leap of faith. 
Travel the world. 
Send a risky text. 
Swim naked. 
Fight a shark. 
Stab a stranger. 
Steal a car- flee to Mexico.  Live a little…
Only  kidding.
I’ve been afraid to step out of my comfort zone many times. 
I didn’t know if I could graduate from West Point, the U.S. Army Ranger School, or Special Forces Selection. 

I knew they would be hard. 
I knew I would be miserable.
I heard all the stories. 

But the idea of dealing with something hard wasn’t holding me back. 

It was my own doubt.
Would I be good enough?
I was afraid I wasn’t.
Living in fear leads to living with regret. Living with fear removes control from our lives. It makes us feel like we’re floating. Like we’re just marking time until the next rest. Until the next vacation. Until retirement. Until death.
Life isn’t meant to be spent just marking time. 

It is meant to be lived. 

We’re the only creature on Earth that has the ability to dream - to imagine something for ourselves and the world that doesn’t currently exist, and to chase that dream.
We owe it to ourselves to experience those dreams, to make them happen.
Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will.
And I don’t want your dreams to die. 

I don’t want that for myself. I don’t want that for anyone.
And that’s why I am introducing you to my new Deliberate Discomfort Challenge.
The Deliberate Discomfort Challenge does exactly what the title suggests: 

It deliberately pushes your boundaries in every critical area - Mental, Physical, Spiritual, Social, Emotional, and Professional. 

We will challenge you methodically, over a sixty day period, and we will be there to guide you, because we want you to succeed.
For sixty painstaking days, 
we will challenge you to fulfill goals. 
We will challenge you to eat healthy. 
To work out twice a day. 
To open your mind. 
To meditate. 
To reconnect with lost friends. 
To express gratitude. 
To improve. 

Every.  Single.  Day.
No excuses. 
No failure. 
No mercy.
You are accountable to yourself. 

Nobody is harder on ourselves than ourselves - meaning, you determine your level of difficulty - you can turn the volume up on this challenge.
If you follow through on everything we ask you to do, you will transform in ways you never thought possible. 
  • You’ll be more confident, more at ease, more clear-headed, and more focused. 
  • You will be more fit.
  • You will feel better about yourself when you look in the mirror. 
You will absolutely know that you are making progress in every aspect of your life. 
Completing the course will be an accomplishment that will stay with you and will define your future.
Im not only the CEO, I'm also a client - I took this challenge a few months ago and lost 36 lbs. 

Losing the weight was incredible, but the mental clarity, discipline, and determination put me back on track to becoming the person I want to be.
But the key thing here is that we only ask you to do it. 

You have to decide whether you will.
The world is full of willing people. Some willing to work, the rest willing to let them.
If you miss one single element of one single day’s goals during the sixty days, you fail and start over. 

On Day One.
You then have a choice to start over from the very beginning or you can quit.
That probably sounds harsh right?
It has to be. 

It’s the same model used in the United States Army Ranger School, which incidentally, is just over sixty days. 

It’s the model that is used in many elite military schoolhouses. 

It isn’t that you have to be perfect every day. 

You’ll have days where your workouts suck, where your mind will wander as you read, when your calls to long lost friends are not fruitful. 

But you have to show up.
You cannot quit. 
You cannot shirk responsibility.
Every single day. Every hour. Every minute. Every action is on you...
It is all on you.
The results of your life rest on your shoulders.
It is all your fault.
And that’s AWESOME.
Just about a decade ago, I founded Mission Six Zero to take the skills I learned serving as a Special Forces Officer, and combine them with those of Medal of Honor recipients, Army Rangers, Navy SEALs, and elite behavioral scientists to develop the Total Warrior Model. 

This methodology, which we have used to improve the effectiveness of Fortune 100 companies, NFL Teams, and leaders throughout the world, is now a proven and respected model for improved performance. 

It’s success led to a best-selling book, Deliberate Discomfort, and a Masterclass embraced by high-performance individuals and organizations alike.
But sometimes you need to push yourself in a more primal way. 
Sometimes to really change, you just need something that is hard to accomplish. 

That asks you to dig deeper. 
That asks you to grind it out.
I’m going to tell you something that Ranger School graduates typically don’t tell you: No single day of Ranger School was that hard. 

If a healthy young person randomly walked into any day of Ranger training, they could probably make it. 

But I’ll tell you what: 62 days in a row was not fun. It demands a lot from you. It can feel impossible. Because some days, you just want a break. 

You’re tired of walking. 
Tired of moving. 
Tired of performing. 
Tired of pushing. 

You’re just tired.
And every moment you have a choice. 

You keep moving towards the Ranger Objective... or you don’t.
And if you don’t, it’s over. 

You fail. 

And you get to decide if you want to start over again or quit.
But if you don’t quit- If every day you decide to keep moving forward, you learn something about yourself...
YOU are good enough. 
YOU! ARE! Good enough...
You can do amazing things...
You can achieve more than you ever thought possible. 

You can improve your life along every axis. 

Your body, your mind, your spirit, your relationships, and your work.
But you’ve got to take the leap.
And I want you to take that leap with me.
Let me cut right to it: 
I’m offering the Deliberate Discomfort Challenge
for only $297 dollars.
Sign up... 

Join your class in your class chatroom... 

Meet your classmates looking to improve their lives, just like you...

At the end of the 60 days, if you don’t believe it’s making a massive impact on your life, email me and I'll refund your money.

No questions asked.
But you won’t want to. 

You’ll want to stay. 
You’ll want to finish. 
You’ll want to cheer your classmates on. 
You’ll want to be the person that you’ve always aspired to be just didn’t know how. You’ll want to know you can do something hard. 
You’ll want to know you can deal with discomfort.
And if you make the decision to stay with me through that first week, I have something for you:
Access to the Deliberate Discomfort Masterclass.
The Deliberate Discomfort Master Class is the same training curriculum NFL teams, Fortune 500 companies, CEOs and High Net Worth individuals have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for.
It’s a master course with over 66 different videos full of military elite and world class scientists explaining firsthand how to make your life better and transform yourself into the person you dream of becoming, regardless of your current challenges.
We wanted to create a platform to provide you the opportunity to be right there with us. To hear directly from us, to see our faces, to feel our passion.
And you will get the entire Master Class for free once you commit to the Deliberate Discomfort Challenge.
Why am I doing this?
Because I passionately want you to succeed. 

I want you to have every tool at your disposal to dominate life.
I want to tell you another secret. 
Even though I built the Total Warrior Program, I have slipped from time to time. 
I gained weight during covid. 
I lost my routine. 
I read less. 
I worried more. 

And I knew I had to break that gridlock and refocus.
So I sat down with the team and we developed this challenge. 

And then WE did it. 
And it was hard. 

And there were parts of it that really made me uncomfortable - parts I did not enjoy. 
But man, sixty days later, I was thinner, healthier, with the clearest vision I’ve had in years.
Not because I was motivated. 
Motivation never lasts.
It worked because I was committed. I committed to the program. 

Staying with the program led to a healthy routine. 
A healthy routine led to good habits. 
Good habits led to success.
I didn’t wish myself into success. 
I didn’t magically become healthy again.
I didn’t have surgery. 
I didn’t use chemicals. 
I didn’t become better overnight. 

I reprogrammed myself. 

I reminded my mind and body of what it feels like to be healthy. 

And I’ve had some of the best months of my life as a result.
I want that for you.
This last year has been very hard on so many people. 

But hard times make stronger people. 
Hard times lead to opportunities. 

And this is your opportunity to change your life permanently. 

To turn yourself into a person that can handle any challenge, can obtain any goal, and can feel great while doing it.
So commit RIGHT NOW. 

Sixty days. 
That's it. 

If you don’t love everything that you see from the Deliberate Discomfort Challenge, we’ll go our own separate ways. 

No hard feelings! can learn what every Ranger School student that has earned the glorious moment of having the Ranger tab pinned on their shoulder knows: 
The sweetest reward is setting an enormous goal for yourself and achieving it.
You can achieve it.
I want you to achieve it.
Join me in the Deliberate Discomfort Challenge.
Conquer it.
And start living the life you’ve always wanted.

Still On The Fence?

Ready To Make a Change But Still Not Sure This Is The Solution?

At the end of the challenge we ask members to fill out an anonymous survey so we can get honest feedback about what the challenge really did for them. Take a look at some of these responses.

Join The Challenge Now
By this time tomorrow, you are going to feel DIFFERENT!  Not because you will have made a big change but because you will have taken a giant step towards a new you

Now, stop reading and start taking action.  Fill out the form and let's get this going!
It Only Takes 30 Seconds To Join The Challenge...

Here's Everything You Get When You Join

Deliberate Discomfort

Right now you have a decision to make... 

You can keep doing what you've been doing, and keep getting the results that you've been getting. Or... you can make the tough decision to join us. You can decide right now that you are sick and tired of the way things have been and you are going to do something about it. I believe in you. You can do hard things and we're about to prove it.

Join For ONLY $297!

Right now you have a decision to make... 

You can keep doing what you've been doing, and keep getting the results that you've been getting. Or... you can make the tough decision to join us. You can decide right now that you are sick and tired of the way things have been and you are going to do something about it. I believe in you. You can do hard things and we're about to prove it.


Fill Out The Form Below

Invest In Yourself...

So your a little sheepish... It's cool, I still believe you've got what it takes!

Fill Out The Short Form Below To Join Us For Week 1 And Let's See What You Got!

your info
We Respect Your Privacy & Information.

Is There a Guarantee?

Of course... But look... I'm not going to give you a free pass.  Yeah we're putting in a lot of time and effort to make this challenge successful but another big reason we are charging to participate is because I want this to really mean something to you, I want you to have skin in the game to push and motivate you.

 To that end, I'm going to ask that you make a commitment. If you commit to being honest with me, to being honest with yourself and giving it everything you've got, to complete the full 60 days, I'll commit to the following...

I guarantee that if you complete the full 60 day challenge, by the time it's done, among other things, you will be more intelligent, healthier, in better shape, more clear headed,  driven and capable of doing hard things and achieving your goals. You'll be more confident and feel better about yourself when you look in the mirror. You'll feel a grand sense of accomplishment and you'll be excited for future challenges you might face.

If for some reason you don't feel like you received benefit from the challenge, then you can email me at the end and receive a full refund.*
* a $20 surcharge may apply for books already shipped and transacation fees.


I brought Mission Six Zero in because this is the kind of leadership training my organization needs - the kind of training America needs!


US Ambassador to the UK


Jason and Mission Six Zero not only provided us with vital leadership training but they taught us how to be true professionals. I highly recommend their services to anyone that is serious about being the best


Football Defensive End


I wanted to thank all of you. I have had numerous people express to me that this was one of the best experiences they have ever been a part of.


Football Coach


I brought Mission Six Zero in because this is the kind of leadership training my organization needs - the kind of training America needs!


US Ambassador to the UK


Jason and Mission Six Zero not only provided us with vital leadership training but they taught us how to be true professionals. I highly recommend their services to any organization that is serious about being the best


Football Defensive End


I wanted to thank all of you. I have had numerous people express to me that this was one of the best experiences they have ever been a part of.


Football Coach
All information regarding weight training, nutrition, supplements or lifestyle, or information provided to you in person or on this website should be discussed between you and your doctor because diet and working out involves risks. The information you receive in our emails, programs, services and products is provided for educational and informational purposes only and does not take the place of professional medical or similar advice. You are acknowledging that you are participating voluntarily in using any of our e-mails, programs, services, and/or products, and you alone are solely and personally responsible for your results. Please be clear that individual results may vary and are not guaranteed. A person’s health, fitness, and nutrition success depend on each individual’s background, dedication, desire, and motivation.
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